Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Fresh From the International Library

Here's link spam I got today:

I start to women day prepear

I start to women day prepare……
I buy flower, viagra and xanax .....))))
But I have problem. I haven't women….
Help me please

"I start to women day prepear." Spelling aside, this could mean a couple of things. It may be a belated reference to Valentines Day. This guy could be reeling in big business on the cronies that live in some romantic vacuum and just now realized that Cupid's Arrow had missed the mark. Or this gent could be "prepearing" for the day his girlfriend has her period. But wait, it looks as if this sorry chap doesn't have anyone else in his life. More appropriately it looks as though this lad has some pretty high standards and thinks that he deserves more than one woman.

The kicker is that as he lures me into visiting one of his buddies pharmaceutical websites with his eloquent description of events, he solicits me for help in obtaining him multiple women. Well buddy, if you're reading this, come on over to America. There's no shortage of (multiple) women who will screw you because of your lose grasp on English.


Puuda Maggui said...

No shit Serlock its can hormone!

Dr Kuha said...

Perhaps it's something else. Maybe prepear is some new...sort of contraction of the suffix "pre-" and the word "appear." Then it would mean something like... Pre-appear, which could suggest all sorts of things about foolhardy pursuits of love and attachment in this increasingly ambivalent world.

He pre-appeared, he prepeared to his lady...but she was creeped out. He showed up at 7, but wasn't supposed to be there till 8. She was boffing her other dude, just shooing him out the door when our hero shows up. Bad deal. Shit went down that day.

Not going to lie to you, there were tears.

Happy pre-patricks day!