As humans, we think that we are unstoppable. If we encounter a situation we deem unnecessary, unpredictable, unstable, or generally just bad for our perceived versions of self we alter the thing that confronts us, our method of travel beyond that thing, or--heaven forbid--we alter ourselves. That is what humans do, we alter things. I read somewhere that humans and beavers share the distinction of being the only two mammals capable, and willing, to alter their environments to such a drastic degree.
As humans we also have distinct powers of creation. Art, music, law, literature, dance, government, song, and theater are all constructs that have emerged as a result of our being human.
Now here is the punchline. Despite, and almost in negation to, our unstoppable nature, humans have allowed their creations to override their visions of self. It has been tested in a handful of psychological studies in which the power to 'electrocute' others has been given to someone. Because they have the power, and because the test administrator very passionately encourages it, the individual with the ability to shock another does so to a point of near death in almost all cases. Despite a persons best intentions/morals/ethics/etc. the institution of power influencing that person will
always override that individual. You can see this in nearly all institutions of power, but government is probably the most easily examined structure. You can start to watch for it now during election year. Watch a candidate get elected with his good intentions. Take note of the things he promised or attempted to make positive changes to. Two years down the road, take stock of how he is performing. I bet you gold to gonads his ideals have been corrupted by the very things he sought to change.
As sad as it is to say, we really are our own worst enemy.
In my next post, I'll try to cheer you guys up. This was something I just had to get off my chest.